LED is a semiconductor light-emitting diode. The LED lamp uses a high-brightness white light-emitting diode as the source of bai light. It has high light efficiency, low power consumption, long life, easy control, maintenance-free, safe and environmentally friendly. It is a new generation of solid cold light source, which is more than tube-shaped. Energy-saving lamps are energy-saving, high brightness, long projection, good projection performance, wide voltage range, the light source through the microcomputer built-in controller, can achieve seven color changes of LED, light color is soft, bright, colorful, low loss, low energy consumption, environmental protection, suitable for long-term lighting of homes, shopping malls, banks, hospitals, hotels, restaurants and other public places. Compared with incandescent tubes or low-voltage fluorescent tubes, the stability and long life of LEDs are obvious advantages: the continuous working time of incandescent lamps rarely exceeds 1000 hours, and the continuous working time of fluorescent tubes using electronic drivers can exceed 8000 hours. But the LED can work for more than 50,000 hours without failure, Zehai Lightings can help you.